Recent – SPF Portfolio Success

We’re on the up! Perthshire Photographic Society enjoyed success over the summer, with our best-ever results in the Scottish Photographic Federation’s annual Portfolio competition. This one’s very egalitarian, in that, if any club member puts in images for the club entry, they go in to the competition, with no selection by the club.

The Portfolio attracted over 1,700 entries from some 34 clubs around Scotland, some of whom are among the strongest in the UK. In this illustrious company, PPS came 8th= in colour prints, 8th= in mono prints, and 11th= in digital images. It’s something we can be proud of. 

Of particular note is John Boyd’s winter landscape, Morning Calm, shown here, which won an SPF Bronze Medal in the Colour Print, as John Tillotson’s Judge’s Choice

Our new season starts in October: Programme here