Last Night – President’s Night

The first night of each PPS season is traditionally President’s Night, and incumbent Ian Mackay welcomed more than fifty of us, of whom maybe a quarter were along for their first visit. Welcome indeed!

Ian described the cultural context of the Society and its relationship to PSNS, outlined the programme for the year, introduced the committee members present, and invited some of them to speak:
Tom Ryan told us about this year’s visiting speakers
Wol Gilbraith sketched out the internal competitions schedule
Graham Robb covered the external competitions
John Boyd explained our novice development programme for those new to, or just rusty at, their photography.

The lengthy tea break spilled out of the foyer and back into the theatre, and provided an opportunity for making newcomers feel welcome, and for old friends to catch up.

In the second half of the evening, Ian introduced some themes in his own interests, both in photography and in life, and talked us through some of his landscape images, explaining how a sometimes-plain scene can be brought alive as a striking image.

To round off the evening, a handful of dedicated researchers investigated the possibilities of the bar at the Grampian Hotel, just over the road. Their lounge looks big enough to hold most of us, and stays open until 22:30, so not dangerously late. Let’s see if that can become a regular thing.

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