Upcoming – Member’s Night

For our next member’s night we’ve got a selection of topics, which (at time of going to press) looks like: 

  • Soap Bubble images – There is a growing interest in adapting older lenses to modern cameras to create images with more ‘character’. David Hay has been using a vintage lens which produces pleasing circular out-of-focus areas, and he’ll tell us all about it.  
  • Photography at 12mph – Perhaps 12 knots would be more accurate. New member Mike Gloistein will tell us about his photography, most of which has been conducted on board a moving ship. 
  • Apps and Software – Sam Dearlove has been exploring what apps and software is available to help us with our photography. Some may be known to you, some may be new. And some may help you in ways you didn’t know were possible. 
  • Print Stands – Wol Gilbraith will get us ready to use the new-look easy-build print stands we need for next week’s PKM Trophy mono print competition.


See what we were up to last week:

Newcomers are still welcome to register online, and come along to meet us for a couple of weeks, with no commitment. That gives you the chance to decide if you like what you see.
Or you can jump straight in with new or renewed membership.
Either way, go to the online form on our Membership page to register.