SPF Placings Gallery 2023-24

Here we showcase images by PPS members that have been highly placed in the inter-club/ external competitions that we enter, run by the Scottish Photographic Federation, and in which PPS competes alongside some 30 or more other clubs.

Scoring in SPF competitions is generally by three judges, each judge awarding between 2 and 5 points per image; top marks is therefore 15. Images scoring 13 or more are usually identified in the SPF’s results, and that’s what we endeavour to show here.

The Digital Championship and Print Championship set a limit on the number of images per club; the Portfolio doesn’t, hence the apparent triumph of high-scoring PPS images in the Portfolio.

SPF Digital Championship, Nov 23Colour Digital images
SPF Digital Championship, Nov 23Mono Digital images
SPF Print Championship, Feb 24Colour Prints
SPF Print Championship, Feb 24Mono Prints
SPF Portfolio, Aug 24Colour Prints
SPF Portfolio, Aug 24Mono Prints
SPF Portfolio, Aug 24Digital images

SPF Portfolio, Aug 24 – Colour prints

Competition held 10 Aug 2024, judged by a panel of three judges appointed by SPF
Full details: https://www.scottish-photographic-federation.org/spf-annual-portfolios

Morning Calm, by John Boyd, Acceptance 15; John Tillotson’s Judge’s Choice Colour Print – SPF Bronze Medal
Boats on Loch Faskally, by John Boyd, Acceptance 13
Healing Waters, by Alistair Dewar, Acceptance 13
A Posy of Flowers, by Vicky McNamara, Acceptance 13
Red Legged Kittiwake and Young, by Vicky McNamara, Acceptance 13
Misty Morning at St. Combs Beach, by David Moran, Acceptance 13
Antarctic Mountain Mist, by Nicole Morrison, Acceptance 13


SPF Portfolio, Aug 24 – Mono prints

Competition held 10 Aug 2024, judged by a panel of three judges appointed by SPF
Full details: https://www.scottish-photographic-federation.org/spf-annual-portfolios


SPF Portfolio, Aug 24 – Digital images

Competition held 10 Aug 2024, judged by a panel of three judges appointed by SPF
Full details: https://www.scottish-photographic-federation.org/spf-annual-portfolios


Competition held 18 Feb 2024, judged by a panel of three judges appointed by SPF
Full details: https://www.scottish-photographic-federation.org/spf-print-championship


Competition held 18 Feb 2024, judged by a panel of three judges appointed by SPF
Full details: https://www.scottish-photographic-federation.org/spf-print-championship


SPF Digital Championship, Nov 23 – Colour images

Competition held 19 Nov 2023, judged by a panel of three judges appointed by SPF
Full details: https://www.scottish-photographic-federation.org/spf-digital-championship


SPF Digital Championship, Nov 23 – Mono images

Competition held 19 Nov 2023, judged by a panel of three judges appointed by SPF
Full details: https://www.scottish-photographic-federation.org/spf-digital-championship
