Alan Edwards photo wins prize

Congratulations to Alan Edwards for his prize winning entry in the recent Nature Photography competition organised by the Scottish Seabird Centre in North Berwick. Alan’s “Fungus in the Frost” was people’s choice in the World Flora section.

fungi in the frost

“The Games” a talk by Duncan McEwan

Commonwealth Games 2016
Commonwealth Games 2016

Duncan McEwan, from Paisley, was an accredited photographer with Team Scotland at the last three Commonwealth Games. He gave an interesting and entertaining talk on the challenges and rewards of Professional Sports Photography.

Colour Rosebowl Competition

Last night was the Colour Rosebowl competition. Our judge was Ben Harman from Stills Gallery in Edinburgh. We were truly, genuinely impressed by the standard of the entries. Great picture after great picture kept coming out of that black box. The judge said he had a hard time making a decision, but in the end he made his choice .
First place was Stewart Riddick with one of his carefully observed pictures of a  character in a Greek village strolling past a wall with three pained birds on it. Well done Stewart!!
Second was Mike Bell with a lovely landscape showing a massive rain cloud over Knoydart.
Third was Raymond Leinster with one of his masterfully executed portraits of a red squirrel with a snowflake on his nose.
Highly Commended was David Hay’s “Lone Seagull”. At first – you just see a blue iceberg – but then your eye finds its way to the tiny seagull in flight. Nice.
And Commended went to Jimmy Herd’s remarkable picture of a golf professional from, I believe, the Dominican Republic (?) who has lost a leg and now plays standing on one leg. Amazing.
To finish off the evening Ivy-May and David Hay gave a short summary of our club performance in the recent SPF Print competition. And we did very well indeed!! Both Ivy-May and Richard Hunter scored 14 points with their B&W images – and Richard’s was awarded a “Highly Commended”. Raymond’s pictures also did very well in the Wildlife category. I understand we came 4th in the B&W and 9th overall. That is quite an accomplishment for our relatively small club.
Next week should be an interesting talk. Duncan McEwan will talk about “The Games” – his experiences as a professional photographer covering the last three Commonwealth Games.

Feb 3rd. Portrait and Still Life Workshop.

Great evening tonight. Jimmie Herd set up his studio lighting gear and, aided by Malcolm Lind and Mike Bell, we had fun taking studio portraits. Big thanks to Tim Haynes for turning up in his Russian fur hat and greatcoat. Jimmie, Duncan MacNab and Annette Forsyth also brought some creative subjects for the Still Life. Big thanks to everyone who participated. We have created a gallery of some of the images taken – Portrait and Still Life Workshop Gallery. Please send us more if you were there.

Tim Posing
Tim Posing
Tim and his Russian Hat
Tim and his Russian hat
Malcolm and Jean and their cameras
Malcolm and Jean and their cameras


Jan 27th. SPF Portfolio

This evening we are going to take a look at the 2015 Scottish Photographic Federation competition winning photographs. David Hay will give an introduction and provide a commentary on the pictures.

Grant Cup

Jan 20th

Congratulations to Raymond Leinster for first place in the Grant Cup competition with “Serene”, his beautiful portrait of a Mountain Hare.

Raymond Leinster

Second place went to Tom Ryan with “Industrial”, an oil rig in Dundee.

Tom Ryan

Third place went to Richard Hunter for his atmospheric “Waiting for Spring”.


Richard Hunter