Upcoming – First-time exhibitors at Birnam

We all like a good photo, do we not – but do the photos we take match what we feel when we take them? How can we convey ‘that moment’ better? 

Many PPS Members have found that joining a club gives them greater insight into how to take and make a good photo. 

Our exhibition in Birnam Arts has over 50 prints, with another 70+ digital images on display – and around half of these are by new members who have never exhibited before. 

“Following my dream trip to Antarctica in December 22 I joined the Perthshire Photographic Society, which has greatly helped me to grow my photography skills through the support, guidance, and inspiration of other members” – Nicole

“Until now, I have never shown any of my photographs to anyone other than my family and friends. I do enjoy photography, and thanks to my PPS mentor, I now have the confidence to show some of my images” – Paul 

You can catch their work at our current exhibition at Birnam Arts, which runs until 08 Oct. 

Exhibition page – https://www.perthshirephotographicsociety.org.uk/exhibitions/birnam-2023/

Our Facebook Page has other posts you can share – https://www.facebook.com/PerthshirePhotographicSociety

Upcoming – Meet the Artist day #2, at Birnam

On Wednesday 20 Sep you will be able to meet some of the artists with work on the wall in our exhibition at Birnam Arts.

Ian and John will again have a few co-artists available most of the day to show you round, answer questions, talk to you about photography, point you to the cafe, and more!

They’re just some of the 20 artists exhibiting prints between now and 08 Oct. 

Watch out for other dates, with other artists to speak to, during the exhibition’s run. You can of course visit at other times too, whenever the gallery is open.

Our Facebook Page has other posts you can share – https://www.facebook.com/PerthshirePhotographicSociety 

Exhibition details – https://www.perthshirephotographicsociety.org.uk/exhibitions/birnam-2023/

Upcoming – Meet the Artist day #1, at Birnam

This Thursday at Birnam Arts you can visit our exhibition, and meet some of the artists with work on the wall. 

Ian, John and Bob will be available most of the day to show you round, answer questions, talk to you about photography, point you to the cafe, and more!

They’re three of the 22 artists exhibiting prints between now and 08 Oct. 

That’s Thu 14 Sep at Birnam Arts 

Watch out for other dates, with other artists, during the exhibition’s run.

Our Facebook Page has other posts you can share – https://www.facebook.com/PerthshirePhotographicSociety 


Birnam 2023 exhibition opening

Perthshire Photographic Society is one of the oldest of its kind in Scotland, maybe even the UK. Lots of PPs members are very experienced photographers. 

We have been closely involved with Birnam Arts for many years, running a biennial exhibition of work until Sun 08 Oct 23. The 2023 exhibition is in place, and was informally opened on Saturday with a gathering of almost 50 members and their significant others. 

But this year, something is different. In 2023, many of our exhibitors are new to PPS, some are even new to photography, and are showing their work, in public, for the very first time. For many people it is quite a daunting challenge – to print your picture, get it framed and hang it on a gallery wall for strangers to look at. This year, more than half of our prints are by people who have never exhibited in public before. Come along. Take a look at the pictures and give your feedback. 

The prints are just upstairs from the cafe, which is itself an ideal destination for light meals and snacks, and quick to get to from Perth now all the lanes on the A9 are fully open. Also accessible by train! 


Birnam 2023 – Advance Publicity

Perthshire Photographic Society’s biennial exhibition of members’ work will be running at Birnam Arts in Birnam, from 09 Sep – 08 Oct. 

We’re asking members and supporters to help spread the word by picking up some printed publicity materials and arranging for them to be displayed somewhere visible to suit the timing of the show. .

We have both posters and flyers, available for collection during opening hours at e-Computers on Kinnoull Street, where ace photographer/ proprietor Chas has them stashed under the counter. 

  • The A4 posters are intended for anywhere willing to put up something of this size – take a couple if you think you can can find a prominent location for them.
  • The A5 flyers are double-sided, suitable for putting out as a pile, handing out to those interested, or displaying both sides as a pair – take a dozen or two.

More news of the exhibition itself will follow over the coming weeks…..

Last Night – End of Season Dinner

Twenty-seven of us gathered for the annual end-of-season dinner, the first for a while, and this time at Cardo on South Street. Company, ambience, service, food – all wonderful. Twenty-five and a half are pictured, with one holding the camera, and half of Lizzie missing through an artifact of the pano-stitching.

There was also prizegiving, with forty certificates and eight trophies for our internal competitions, plus the Millennium Quaich for distinguished achievement. Congratulations to all the winners, the highly placed, the less-highly-placed, and everyone who supported all our activities through the season in all sorts of ways. This includes a great number of SIgnificant Others, some of whom joined us for the evening – lovely to see you all.

Big thanks, too, to Lizzie and Vicki for taking responsibility for the tea table in the breaks each week.

Main Cup – Alan Edwards

PKM Trophy – Yvonne Deed

Grant Cup – David Hay

Nan Borthwick Salver – David Allan, who couldn’t make it, so here’s his Cuckoo

Peter Rourke Salver – Sandie Smith

Colour Rosebowl – Alan Edwards

Simpson Cup – Alan Edwards

Dall Cup – Yvonne Deed

Millennium Quaich – David Hay

We’ll meet back again in October. In the meantime, our Facebook Group at Perth Photo Forum will continue over the summer as ‘an online place to learn from discussion of photography, by and for the people of Perth, Perthshire, Perth and Kinross, and surroundings’. So, not just for PPS members. And not just online – we also arrange a series of sociable photo walks. We’ll hope to see you out with your camera over the summer. Bon Voyages!

Last Night – Annual General Meeting

The stage is set, reports prepared, projector tested – now to welcome a good complement of members to participate in the Annual General Meeting, for a review of the season just finishing, and a look forward to the season to come in October.

We followed the traditional format, to hear reports from office-bearers providing an overview of such areas as Programme (above), Internal Competitions (below), and others. Also to appoint a new committee, who will continue to meet over the summer while making arrangements for next season.

Presiding over the committee, the president is appointed for a 2-year term, supported for the first year of that by the immediate past president.

This year saw such a handover, as Graham Robb (above) stepped back, and Ian Mackay (below) stepped forward.

This was our last meeting at the library for the current season – next week we meet in a restaurant, for a sociable feast and for prizegiving. We’ll take a break from accepting new members, and will re-open our membership form in time for the start of next season.

In the meantime, our Facebook Group at Perth Photo Forum will continue over the summer as ‘an online place to learn from discussion of photography, by and for the people of Perth, Perthshire, Perth and Kinross, and surroundings’. So, not just for PPS members. And not just online – we also arrange a series of sociable photo walks. We’ll hope to see you out with your camera over the summer. Bon Voyages!

Upcoming – Annual General Meeting

This will be our final week at the library until the autumn, and it will be our Annual General Meeting. Although there are some formalities to observe, it’s pretty relaxed, and it won’t take the whole of our evening. One item for discussion is to ask the committee to look at how best to support members who feel they’re just starting out with their photography, and whether this might include forming a novice section for internal competitions. We’ll aim to clarify the intention of the membership, and let the committee work out the practicalities over the summer. 

The following week we’re not at the library, we’ll be dining out. Lots to look forward to. 


With the season of weekly meetings coming to an end, we’re no longer accepting new members. Our membership form will re-open in time for next season, which starts in Oct 23. Meanwhile, new faces are welcome to join us informally in the Perth Photo Forum, for Facebook photo-discussion, and for in-person photo walks over the summer.

Last Night – Home Training Ground revisited

For our final Members’ Night of the season, we met upstairs, where it’s less formal than the lecure theatre, and the Home Training group shared what they’ve been up to these last few months. In December, John Boyd had set a photographic challenge to those of us looking to get more confident with both camera and processing. This developed into a wee study group who have been meeting to practise specific camera techniques, and then to process the images to bring out their best.

Lizzie Rawlings presented first, and spoke of how these training sessions have opened her eyes to new ways of seeing, as well as giving her the confidence to capture that in her camera.

Alistair Dewar couldn’t attend, and John presented his images. Even in John’s second-hand telling of the tale, Alistair’s delight at sucessfully photographing moving water was clearly evident.

Paul Trodden shared examples of his progress, and his excitement at how far his photography has moved forward in the space of a few months, with regular and attentive practise. Even for Paul, himself no stranger to public speaking, the increase in confidence was obvious.

The evening wound up with a lively (but never rowdy) discussion of black’n’white photography, taking some of John’s images as the starting point, and inviting comments from the membeship. Overall, a very sucessful format for an evening.