Programme 2024-25

Here we publish details of all our visiting speakers, plus a Quick Calendar, linking to a fuller look at each evening of the season.

Meetings will be held on Wednesdays at 7.30pm, at the AK Bell Library, unless noted otherwise. Bring your own mug for a hot drink in the break.

If you’re new, details on how to join are on our membership page.

Visiting speakers:

David Gilliver

Miniature Photography

16 Oct 24
David graduated from the Fine Art Photography course at the Glasgow School of Art in 2001 and has been working as a professional photographer and artist ever since. He specialises in long-exposure photography (the art of ‘Light Painting’) and macro photography (‘Little People’) and has become one of the internet’s best known names in those fields. He will tell us about his approach to Miniatures photography 

Espen Helland

Black Grouse Leks

23 Oct 24
Espen is a Norwegian ecologist working in Scotland. With a background in wildlife biology and conservation, he has a passion for the natural world, and believes it is our duty to keep as much wildlife and ecosystems alive for ourselves, for future generations, and for nature’s own sake. He is an expert on Black Grouse and leads photography workshops to leks in Perthshire. Espen is an OM System (Olympus) Ambassador.

Peter Wilkinson

Wildlife on our doorstep

30 Oct 24
Peter is a local Perth photographer who documents the amazing wildlife to be found on our doorstep – from Ospreys and Otters in the Tay to the Quarrymill Kingfishers

Richard Smith

Urban Documentary

20 Nov 24
Richard (a.k.a. Rich Fotografi) is an urban photographer from Glasgow. He says, “I have an unexplained and possibly disturbing interest in photographing cinematic alleyways, street art, abandoned buildings and the Duke of Wellington outside the Gallery of Modern Art especially if he has a new cone on his head.”

Not only that, “For more than three years I have been a volunteer photographer for Homeless Project Scotland and have made them more than 1,000 photos to use in their press releases, website, social media accounts and leaflets.”

Debbie Wallace

Portraits of Childhood

22 Jan 25
Debbie has created a beautiful photographic record of her three girls, from babies to teenagers. Her pictures capture the dreamy, ethereal aesthetic of a perfect childhood

Chas Sievewright

Minimalism to Street

22 Jan 25
Chas is well known to many member of PPS. He will talk about how his photographic interests have evolved from B&W minimalism to gritty urban Street Photography.

Noel Clegg

Fine Art and Long Exposure Photography

26 Feb 25
Noel is one of the UK’s most accomplished Fine Art photographers. He has won numerous international competitions and has exhibited in London, Hong Kong and New York. Noel will show some of his best known pictures then demonstrate his processing technique. 

Further information about speakers and topics will be posted here as details become known.

Quick Calendar

One row per month, 4 (or 5) weeks

02 Oct 24 President’s Night09 Oct 24 Member’s talk/ Workshop16 Oct 24 Speaker: David Gilliver23 Oct 24 Speaker: Espen Helland30 Oct 24 Speaker: Peter Wilkinson
06 Nov 24 Member’s talk13 Nov 24 Competition: Digital20 Nov 24 Speaker: Richard Smith27 Nov 24 Member’s talk/ Workshop
04 Dec 24 Competition: Prints11 Dec 24
18 Dec 24
25 Dec 24
01 Jan 25 Holiday08 Jan 25 Competition: Digital15 Jan 25 Member’s talk/ Workshop22 Jan 25 Speakers: Debbie Wallace; Chas Sievewright29 Jan 25 Competition:Prints
05 Feb 25 Competition:Digital12 Feb 25 Member’s talk/ Workshop19 Feb 25 Competition:Colour prints26 Feb 25 Speaker: Noel Clegg
05 Mar 25 Competition:Digital, AV12 Mar 25 Member’s talk/Workshop19 Mar 25 AGM26 Mar 25 End of season event

02 October 2024

President’s Night

PPS President Ian Mackay will welcome new and returning members as an introduction to the Society and to the forthcoming season.

09 October 2024

Member’s talk/ Workshop
In the former cafe; turn left as you enter from outside

Bring and Share

Bring some of your own images, as prints or on electronic devices, to share and discuss in small groups

16 October 2024

Speaker’s Night

David Gilliver: Miniature Photography

David graduated from the Fine Art Photography course at the Glasgow School of Art in 2001 and has been working as a professional photographer and artist ever since. He specialises in long-exposure photography (the art of ‘Light Painting’) and macro photography (‘Little People’) and has become one of the internet’s best known names in those fields. He will tell us about his approach to Miniatures photography 

Hand-in: 4-Way Battle

23 October 2024

Speaker’s Night

Espen Helland: Black Grouse Leks

Espen is a Norwegian ecologist working in Scotland. He is an expert on Black Grouse and leads photography workshops to leks in Perthshire. Espen is an Olympus Ambassador.

Hand-in: Main Cup

30 October 2024

Speaker’s Night

Peter Wilkinson: Wildlife on our Doorstep

Peter is a local Perth photographer who documents the amazing wildlife to be found on our doorstep – from Ospreys and Otters in the Tay to the Quarrymill Kingfishers

Hand-in: SPF Digital Championship

06 November 2024

In the former cafe; turn left as you enter from outside.

The first part of the evening is aimed at helping you to understand what is required for each competition when entering our external competitions (optional background reading linked from here

  • Alan Edwards – how all of our external competitions are judged and ranked. 
  • David Hay – a long-time SPF judge’s comments on our PPS entry to the 4-Way Battle which will be held this year on Wed 20 Nov in St Andrews. 
  • John Boyd – talking through the SPF’s advice, published on their website, on what their accredited judges should be looking for when judging club competitions.

After the break, Ian Mackay will talk about the techniques and equipment that he uses for his photography, in his presentation, ‘My Guide to Landscape Photography.’

13 November 2024

Competition: Main Cup
Judged by Bob Humphreys

Hand-in: PKM Trophy

20 November 2024

Speaker’s Night

Richard Smith: Urban Documentary

Richard (a.k.a. Rich Fotografi) is an urban photographer from Glasgow. He works with a charitable group supporting homeless people.

27 November 2024

Members’ Talks Night
In the former cafe; turn left as you enter the library from the west car park door and the room is along the corridor on your left.

For this evening, we have 4 presentations and a brief demonstration:  

  • David Hay with ‘Soap Bubble images’ – adapting older lenses to modern cameras to create images with more ‘character.’
  • Mike Gloistein with ‘Photography at 12mph’ – perhaps 12 knots would be more accurate! Mike is one of our new members and he will tell us about photos taken while on board a moving ship.
  • Sam Dearlove has volunteered to help us with our photography by telling us a bit about various ‘Apps and Software.’
  • Raymond Leinster with ‘The Best Place for Photography in Perth – Probably!’
  • Finally, Wol Gilbraith will show us our new Print Stands – next week we’ll host the PKM Trophy monochrome print competition; the prints will be displayed on our new-look easy-build print stands. You will be helping to assemble them!

04 December 2024

Competition: PKM Trophy
Judged by Guy Phillips

01 January 2025

Christmas holidays

Hand-in: Grant Cup

08 January 2025

Competition: Grant Cup; click for
Scoring Slip
– Online Voting Form – will be available on 08 Jan 25
Test voting form – practise your online voting here

Hand-in: Nan Borthwick Salver
Hand-in: Peter Rourke Salver
Hand-in: SPF Print Championship

15 January 2025

In the former cafe; turn left as you enter from outside


22 January 2025

Speaker’s Night

Debbie Wallace: Portraits of Childhood

Debbie has created a beautiful photographic record of her three girls, from babies to teenagers. Her pictures capture the dreamy, ethereal aesthetic of a perfect childhood. 

PLUS Chas Sievewright: Minimalism to Street

Chas is well known to many member of PPS. He will talk about how his photographic interests have evolved from B&W minimalism to gritty urban Street Photography.

29 January 2025

Competition: Nan Borthwick Salver
Competition: Peter Rourke Salver
Judged by _____

Hand-in: Colour Rosebowl

05 February 2025

External Competition: SPF Portfolio

We’ll take a look at the high-scoring images entered by clubs around Scotland in last year’s Portfolio competition. The images have been provided by the Scottish Photographic Federation. David Hay has kindly agreed to provide a commentary to accompany the photos. Hopefully, this evening will give you a good idea of the types of photos that we will be looking for when we submit our entry for this year’s Portfolio competition.

12 February 2025

Members’ Talks Night
In the former cafe; turn left as you enter from outside


19 February 2025

Competition: Colour Rosebowl
Judged by _____

26 February 2025

Speaker’s Night

Noel Clegg: Fine Art and Long Exposure Photography

Noel is one of the UK’s most accomplished Fine Art photographers. He has won numerous international competitions and has exhibited in London, Hong Kong and New York. Noel will show some of his best known pictures then demonstrate his processing technique.

Hand-in: Dall Cup
Hand-in: Simpson Cup

05 March 2025

Competition: Dall Cup; click for
Scoring Slip
– Online Voting Form – will be available on 05 Mar 25
Test voting form – practise your online voting here

Competition: Simpson Cup; click for
Scoring Slip
– Online Voting Form – will be available on 05 Mar 25
Test voting form – practise your online voting here

12 March 2025

Members’ Talks Night
In the former cafe; turn left as you enter from outside


19 March 2025

AGM for 2024-25.

An agenda for the AGM will be sent to all members. After the AGM is complete, we plan on holding a ‘Bring and Share’ session. Please bring in some prints or digital images and we will split into small groups and talk about your images. There will be an experienced member in each group to lead the discusssions.

26 March 2025

End of season dinner and prize-giving. 7pm for 7.30pm. Details will be sent out via a newsletter.

Programme 2023-24

Coming soon – our 2024-25 programme

Here we publish details of all our visiting speakers, plus a Quick Calendar, linking to a fuller look at each evening of the season.
Meetings will be held on Wednesdays at 7.30pm, at the AK Bell Library, unless noted otherwise.

If you’re new, details on how to join are on our membership page.

George Berrie

From Beirut – with love, lust, and bullets

18 Oct 23
George was a successful businessman until, one day, he realized his work was killing him. This is the story of how he quit his job, bought a camera, rented an apartment in Beirut, learned photography, learned photoshop, and found a new purpose in life – leading to a digital art exhibition in Stirling University.  

Graeme Youngson

Urban photography – with a dash of Chiarascuro

25 Oct 23
Graeme Youngson is a very accomplished street photographer from Aberdeen. Of particular interest is his use of the ‘chiarascuro’ technique to produce very dramatic high-contrast black and white images.

Andrew Allan

Scotland’s Night Sky

01 Nov 23
Andrew says: “The talk is about Scotland’s night sky and how to photograph it. Throughout the year there are many different celestial events and celestial bodies to view and photograph. I’ll give some guidance to help photograph the night sky and how to predict events like Northern Lights in Scotland. There is some videography and photography from abroad such as Iceland and Arctic Norway where I travelled to and hunted mind-blowing shows of the northern lights.”

Damian Shields

A Passion for Scottish Landscapes

22 Nov 23
Damian is one of Scotland’s best known and most highly regarded Landscape photographers. He has been highly placed in every Scottish Landscape Photographer competition for the last decade and is a veteran of more than 15 solo exhibitions from London to Aberfeldy. In between photographing stormy landscapes, he is deputy photo editor for The Herald and Times Group in Glasgow. Not to be missed.

David Queenan

Mountains, seashores, and cities

24 Jan 24
David Queenan is a freelance graphic designer and landscape photographer based in Central Scotland. He is a winner of the Scottish Nature Photography award and runner-up in the Scottish Landscape Photographer of the Year. In addition to his well-known Landscape work David will also show some of his beautiful Urban and Architectural images. 

Omar Shamma

The Polar Regions: The Last Wilderness

28 Feb 24
Omar will speak of his recent visits to Spitzbergen and Antarctica . 

Further information about speakers and topics will be posted here as details become known.

Quick Calendar

04 Oct 23
President’s Night
11 Oct 23
Member’s talk/
18 Oct 23
George Berrie
25 Oct 23
Graeme Youngson
01 Nov 23
Speaker: Andrew Allan
08 Nov 23
Member’s talk
15 Nov 23
22 Nov 23
Speaker: Damian Shields
29 Nov 23
Member’s talk/ Workshop
06 Dec 23
Competition: Prints
13 Dec 23
20 Dec 23
27 Dec 23
03 Jan 24
10 Jan 24
17 Jan 24
Member’s talk/
24 Jan 24 Speaker:
David Queenan
31 Jan 24
07 Feb 24
14 Feb 24
Member’s talk/ Workshop
21 Feb 24
Colour prints
28 Feb 24
Speaker: Omar Shamma
06 Mar 24
Digital, AV
13 Mar 24
Member’s talk/
20 Mar 24
27 Mar 24
End of season event

04 October 2023

President’s Night

PPS President Ian Mackay will welcome new and returning members as an introduction to the Society and to the forthcoming season.

11 October 2023

Member’s talk/ Workshop
Upstairs, in Sandeman Room

Bring and Share

Bring some of your own images, as prints or on electronic devices, to share and discuss in small groups

18 October 2023

Speaker’s Night

George Berrie – From Beirut – with love, lust, and bullets

George was a successful businessman until, one day, he realized his work was killing him. This is the story of how he quit his job, bought a camera, rented an apartment in Beirut, learned photography, learned photoshop, and found a new purpose in life – leading to a digital art exhibition in Stirling University.  

25 October 2023

Speaker’s Night

Graeme Youngson – Urban Photography – with a dash of Chiarascuro

Greame is a very accomplished street photographer from Aberdeen. Of particular interest is his use of the ‘chiarascuro’ technique to produce very dramatic high-contrast black and white images.

Hand-in: Main Cup

Hand-in: Four-Way Competition

01 November 2023

Speaker’s Night

Andrew Allan – Scotland’s Night Sky

“The talk is about Scotland’s night sky and how to photograph it. Throughout the year there are many different celestial events and celestial bodies to view and photograph. I’ll give some guidance to help photograph the night sky and how to predict events like Northern Lights in Scotland. There is some videography and photography from abroad such as Iceland and Arctic Norway where I travelled to and hunted mind-blowing shows of the northern lights.”

08 November 2023

Member’s talk
Upstairs, in Sandeman Room

A conversation with David Hay

Desert Island Pics: We have asked David to pick a selection of images from his own collection, by well-known photographers, and from the PPS archives, What makes these pictures stand out from the crowd and what can we learn from them?

Hand-in: PKM Trophy

15 November 2023

Competition: Main Cup
Judged by Mary Gibson, DPAGB LRPS

22 November 2023

Speaker’s Night

Damian Shields – A Passion for Scottish Landscapes

Damian is one of Scotland’s best known and most highly regarded Landscape photographers. He has been highly placed in every Scottish Landscape Photographer competition for the last decade and is a veteran of more than 15 solo exhibitions from London to Aberfeldy. In between photographing stormy landscapes, he is deputy photo editor for The Herald and Times Group in Glasgow. Not to be missed.

29 November 2023

Member’s talk/ Workshop
Upstairs, in Sandeman Room

Member’s Presentations

Top of the bill for this week’s three talks we have David Hay, with Photographing Modern Architecture at the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia. It’s an extraordinary city, and we know from the other week that David has an eye for the shot.
Before him, we’ll hear from Graham Robb, on Pop-up Pics in Perthshire. Graham and John set up a mini studio in a pop-up shop in Aberfeldy, offering portrait photography.
And Martin Samson on Scottish Tower House Castles – photographing various tower houses, and regaling us with many tales and legends attached to them.
In the middle, Wol Gilbraith will get us ready to build the print stands we need for next week’s PKM Trophy mono print competition.

06 December 2023

Competition: PKM Trophy
Judged by Rob Davis

03 January 2024

Christmas holidays

Hand-in: Grant Cup

10 January 2024

Competition: Grant Cup; click for
Scoring Slip
Online Voting Form – will be available on 10 Jan 24
Test voting form – practise your online voting here

Hand-in: Nan Borthwick Salver
Hand-in: Peter Rourke Salver

17 January 2024

Ground floor, in the former cafe. Please note: this is a new venue for us. Enter the library via the usual West Car Park door, turn left and the room is along the corridor on the left.

Portraits with flash/ Still Life Photography/ Miniature Figure Scenes

This evening, we will have presentations from Graham Robb, Vicky McNamara and Tom Ryan, showing us three completely different types of photography! No need to bring your cameras in for this one; it will be demonstrations only. An evening to look forward to!

24 January 2024

Speaker’s Night

David Queenan – Mountains, seashores, and cities

David Queenan is a freelance graphic designer and landscape photographer based in Central Scotland. He is a winner of the Scottish Nature Photography award and runner-up in the Scottish Landscape Photographer of the Year. In addition to his well-known Landscape work David will also show some of his beautiful Urban and Architectural images.

31 January 2024

Competition: Nan Borthwick Salver
Competition: Peter Rourke Salver
Judged by Chas Sievewright

Hand-in: Colour Rosebowl

07 February 2024

External Competition: SPF Portfolio

We’ll take a look at the high-scoring images entered by clubs around Scotland in last year’s Portfolio competition. The images have been provided by the Scottish Photographic Federation. David Hay has kindly agreed to provide a commentary to accompany the photos. Hopefully, this evening will give you a good idea of the types of photos that we will be looking for when we submit our entry for this year’s Portfolio competition.

14 February 2024

Members’ Talks Night
Ground floor, in the former cafe. Enter the library via the usual West Car Park door, turn left and the room is along the corridor on the left.

We will have 3 presentations this evening: John Boyd will talk to us about printing photos. Should we do it ourselves or should we use a commercial printer? Raymond Leinster will discuss his involvement with a range of sporting organisations. He will highlight the considerations and best practices to be mindful of when engaging in sports photography. Tim Haynes will look at Practical Computational Photography. He will talk to us about post processing, in his own inimitable way!

21 February 2024

Competition: Colour Rosebowl
Judged by Piers Hemy

28 February 2024

Speaker’s Night

Omar Shamma – The Polar Regions: The Last Wilderness

Omar will speak of his recent visits to Spitzbergen and Antarctica.

Hand-in: Dall Cup
Hand-in: Simpson Cup

06 March 2024

Competition: Dall Cup; click for
Scoring Slip
Online Voting Form
Test voting form – practise your online voting here

Competition: Simpson Cup; click for
Scoring Slip
Online Voting Form
Test voting form – practise your online voting here

13 March 2024

Members’ Talks Night
Ground floor, in the former cafe. Enter the library via the usual West Car Park door, turn left and the room is along the corridor on the left.

Novice Night

This evening will give our new and/or novice members a platform to share the progress they’ve made in their photography through our Cultivating Novice Photographers programme

20 March 2024

AGM for 2023-24.

An agenda for the AGM has been sent to all members. After the AGM is complete, we plan on holding a ‘Bring and Share’ session. Please bring in some prints or digital images and we will split into small groups and talk about your images. There will be an experienced member in each group to lead the discusssions.

27 March 2024

End of season dinner and prize-giving. 7pm for 7.30pm. Details will be sent out via a newsletter.

Programme 2022-2023

Meetings this coming season will be held on Wednesdays at 7.30pm, at the AK Bell Library, unless noted otherwise – see Quick Calendar.

If you’re new, details on how to join are on our membership page.

Richard Fox

Landscape & Macro Photography

19 Oct 22
Richard is Winner of ‘Wex Photographer of the Year 2022’, which is a significant recognition of consistency from one of the UK’s major photographic retailers. He’s also got images in the Royal Meteorological Society’s book ‘Weather Photographer of the Year’. He says “I am passionate about photography. Capturing nature in its rawness is what I am trying to attempt. The majority of my work has been captured on Dartmoor, where I lived for 15 years, and being an avid trail runner and walker, I have experienced a lot of its beauty. I have since moved to Stirlingshire and am now getting to know this spectacular country and its wildlife.”

Simon Jauncey

From Venezuela to Harrietfield

26 Oct 22
Simon’s career in photography began in the early 1980s in Venezuela, where after a lucky break he set up a studio doing advertising work. He has shot campaigns for many different clients, from Johnnie Walker to Ford. After 10 years he returned to the UK and spent 3 years in London based in one of the big studio complexes. The pull of his native Scotland proved too much & he moved back in the mid 90s and has specialised in architecture & interiors, food & portraiture – with a passion for landscape work when time permits. He is also an active musician, writing & recording his own jazz based music. During the talk he will give a snapshot of his career, techniques and experiences.

Stewart Dodd LRPS

54 Degrees South

02 Nov 22
It’s 5 years since Stewart was with us. This time he’ll be showing us images from an adventure into the sub-Antarctic Region, specifically South Georgia. It’s a remarkable environment, with a striking combination of wildlife, landscape and light. Expect some transferrable skills that can be applied equally in Scotland!

Des O’Neill

Books of photography

25 Jan 23
Local photographer Des has a huge and varied collection of books on photography that he’s compiled over many years. He’ll tell us about some of them, including, perhaps, the one about Sebastião Salgado’s ‘Gold’, about the gold-rush mine in the Brazillian jungle in the 1980’s, and the one about Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879, pictured here, who is credited with producing the first close-up portraits in the history of the medium.

Roy Robertson

New visions of New Zealand


01 Mar 23
Roy has been President and Vice President of the Royal Photographic Society, and is well known to us as a judge for his keen eye and insightful comments. Tonight he’s going to give us a presentation on a recent trip to New Zealand, and we can expect something special.  

Further information about speakers and topics will be posted here as details become known.

Quick Calendar

05 Oct 22
President’s Night
12 Oct 22
Member’s talk/

19 Oct 22

Richard Fox
26 Oct 22

Simon Jauncey
02 Nov 22
Stewart Dodd
09 Nov 22
Member’s talk/

16 Nov 22

23 Nov 22

4-Way Battle
30 Nov 22

Mono prints
07 Dec 22
Member’s talk/

14 Dec 22
21 Dec 22
28 Dec 22
04 Jan 23
11 Jan 23

18 Jan 23
Member’s talk/

25 Jan 23 Speaker:
Des O’Neill
01 Feb 23

08 Feb 23

15 Feb 23
Member’s talk/

22 Feb 23
Colour prints
01 Mar 23 Speaker:
Roy Robertson
08 Mar 23

Digital, AV
15 Mar 23
Member’s talk/

22 Mar 23
29 Mar 23
End of season

05 October 2022

President’s Night

PPS President Graham Robb will welcome new and returning members as an introduction to the forthcoming season.

12 October 2022

Member’s talk/ Workshop
Upstairs, in Sandeman Room

Bring and Share – Bring some of your own images, as prints or on electronic devices, to share and discuss in small groups.

19 October 2022

Speaker’s Night

Richard Fox – Landscape & Macro Photography

Richard is Winner of ‘Wex Photographer of the Year 2022’, which is a significant recognition of consistency from one of the UK’s major photographic retailers. He’s also got images in the Royal Meteorological Society’s book ‘Weather Photographer of the Year’. He says “I am passionate about photography. Capturing nature in its rawness is what I am trying to attempt. The majority of my work has been captured on Dartmoor, where I lived for 15 years, and being an avid trail runner and walker, I have experienced a lot of its beauty. I have since moved to Stirlingshire and am now getting to know this spectacular country and its wildlife.”

26 October 2022

Speaker’s Night

Simon Jauncey – From Venezuela to Harrietfield

Simon’s career in photography began in the early 1980s in Venezuela, where after a lucky break he set up a studio doing advertising work. He has shot campaigns for many different clients, from Johnnie Walker to Ford. After 10 years he returned to the UK and spent 3 years in London based in one of the big studio complexes. The pull of his native Scotland proved too much & he moved back in the mid 90s and has specialised in architecture & interiors, food & portraiture – with a passion for landscape work when time permits. He is also an active musician, writing & recording his own jazz based music. During the talk he will give a snapshot of his career, techniques and experiences.

Hand-in: Main Cup

Hand-in: Four-Way Competition (actually Fri 28 Oct 22)

02 November 2022

Speaker’s Night

Stewart Dodd LRPS – 54 Degrees South

It’s 5 years since Stewart was with us. This time he’ll be showing us images from an adventure into the sub-Antarctic Region, specifically South Georgia. It’s a remarkable environment, with a striking combination of wildlife, landscape and light. Expect some transferrable skills that can be applied equally in Scotland!

09 November 2022

Member’s talk/ Workshop
Upstairs, in Sandeman Room

John Boyd – Mounting Prints – How we can create mounts to attractively display and protect our prints
David Moran – Calendars – How to make a photo calendar
Wol Gilbraith – Display Prints – A workshop session looking at how to best we can display our prints withour breaking the bank
Scott Russell – Culture Perth & Kinross Maker_Spaces – We’ll hear about “an extensive range of creative technology available and free to use for … individuals” – including some printers that could be useful, and a photography studio, and more

16 November 2022

Competition: Main Cup
Judged by Ken Lindsay

Hand-in: PKM Trophy

23 November 2022

Competition: 4-Way Battle

Judged by [_____]

30 November 2022

Competition: PKM Trophy
Upstairs, in Sandeman Room

Judged by Doug Berndt

07 December 2022

Member’s talk/ Workshop

David Hay – Autumn into Winter – Seasonal images taken during lockdown
John Boyd – Home Training Ground – photo techniques to ensure correct exposure settings and the use of manul settings
Tom Ryan – Photographing Birds in Flight
David Moran – producing an audiovisual presentation

04 January 2023

Christmas holidays

Hand-in: Grant Cup

11 January 2023

Competition: Grant Cup; click for
Scoring Slip
Online Voting Form

Hand-in: Nan Borthwick Salver
Hand-in: Peter Rourke Salver

18 January 2023

Member’s talk/ Workshop
Upstairs, in Sandeman Room

Levels of digital processing: We’ll be looking at what can be done when processing digital images with several different software packages. The aim is to help us members think about what what’s possible, about what we’re using right now, and about how we might want to move forward. We may manage to explain some terminology along the way.
We’ll be looking at a wide range of apps, from free software you can use on a phone or tablet, through to industry-standard desktop tools favoured by enthusiasts and professionals. 
It promises to be a lively evening, with a panel of ‘test drivers’ putting the apps through their paces, 10 minutes at a time, editing a selection of digital images, and with plenty of time for questions and discussion.

25 January 2023

Speaker’s Night
Upstairs, in Sandeman Room

Des O’Neill – Books of photography

Local photographer Des has a huge and varied collection of books on photography that he’s compiled over many years. He’ll tell us about some of them, including, perhaps, the one about Sebastião Salgado’s ‘Gold’, about the gold-rush mine in the Brazillian jungle in the 1980’s, and the one about Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879, pictured here, who is credited with producing the first close-up portraits in the history of the medium

01 February 2023

Competition: Nan Borthwick Salver
Competition: Peter Rourke Salver
Judged by Eva Christie

Hand-in: Colour Rosebowl

08 February 2023

External Competition: SPF Portfolio

We’ll take a look at the high-scoring images as entered, by clubs around Scotland, to last year’s Portfolio competition. Images will be provided on DVD by the Scottish Photographic Federation; commentary will be by one of our most experienced members.

15 February 2023

Member’s talk/ Workshop
Upstairs, in Sandeman Room

David Allan – 50 years, but not counting
Bob Bain – The Wildlife around us
David Hay – Winter photography
Tom Ryan – Street Photography – What are the legal and ethical issues around taking pictures of people in public places?

22 February 2023

Competition: Colour Rosebowl
Judged by Andy S Hayes

01 March 2023

Speaker’s Night

Roy Robertson – New Zealand

Roy has been President and Vice President of the Royal Photographic Society, and is well known to us as a judge for his keen eye and insightful comments. Tonight he’s going to give us a presentation on a recent trip to New Zealand, and we can expect something special.    

Hand-in: Dall Cup
Hand-in: Simpson Cup

08 March 2023

Competition: Dall Cup; click for
Scoring Slip
Online Voting Form – will be available on 08 Mar 23
Test voting form – practise your online voting here

Competition: Simpson Cup; click for
Scoring Slip
Online Voting Form – will be available on 08 Mar 23
Test voting form – practise your online voting here

15 March 2023

Member’s talk/ Workshop
Upstairs, in Sandeman Room

John Boyd, Lizzie Rawlings, Paul Trodden – Home Training Ground revisitedfollowing our Members’ Night on 07 Dec, we’ll hear from those who have been involved in some home training, and who have improved their confidence with camera and processing.

22 March 2023

AGM for 2022-23. Plus a Member’s talk.

29 March 2023

End of season, Prizes, etc – usually in a private room at a fine local restaurant.

Programme 2021-2022

If you’re new, details on how to join are on our membership page.

Further speakers and topics will be posted here as details become known.

Meetings this coming season will be held on Wednesdays at 7.30pm, on Zoom, unless noted otherwise.

06 October 2021

President’s Night

PPS President Graham Robb will welcome new and returning members, introduce the forthcoming season, and speak about some of the images he has created.

Hand-in: Four-Way Competition

13 October 2021

Member’s talk/ Workshop

Bring and Share

Bring some of your own images to share and discuss, in smasll groups

Hand-in: Main Cup

20 October 2021

Member’s talk/ Workshop

Tom Ryan – The Art of Digital Photography

We are all familiar with Tom’s night photography. He has been asked to give a lecture on “The Art of Digital Photography” to a the Tayside Art Society. Wednesday will be the first public outing of his new talk

27 October 2021

Speaker’s Night

Graham Dargie – Kenya and Scotland

Graham is a professional photographer, photography teacher and podcast host from Aberdeen, has been a professional photographer since 2005, teaching photography since 2009 with safari tours in Kenya since 2018.

03 November 2021

Competition: Main Cup

Judged by Ken Ness

10 November 2021

Speaker’s Night

Rowan Ramsay – Light painting

17 November 2021

Member’s talk/ Workshop

Lightroom processing

Spend a short session in each of four groups, with Ian Mackay, Mike Bell, Tom Ryan, Wol Gilbraith. Groups will look at: global/whole image adjustments; local/ selected parts adjustments; processing images of cities at night; organising your work so you can find things again

Hand-in: PKM Trophy

24 November 2021

Speaker’s Night

Paula and Guy Davies – Landscapes, cities, people, monochrome

Double Act 2′ includes some street work, architecture inside as well as outside, landscapes, night-time street work, close-ups, still-lifes, and some creative work. Mono is included as well as colour.

01 December 2021

Competition: Four-Way Competition

08 December 2021

Competition: PKM Trophy

Judged by Roy Robertson

15 December 2021

Speaker’s Night

Jeremy Malley-Smith – landscape photography

My favourite genres are wildlife, crazy macro and landscapes though I’m happy photographing anything that moves and anything that doesn’t!”.

22 December 2021

Christmas holidays

29 December 2021

Christmas holidays

Hand-in: Grant Cup

05 January 2022

Competition: Grant Cup; click for
Scoring Slip
List of Image Titles
Online Voting Form

Hand-in: Nan Borthwick Salver

Hand-in: Peter Rourke Salver

12 January 2022

Member’s talk/ Workshop

Malcolm Lind – topic to be confirmed

John Boyd – A Walk around Birmingham

19 January 2022

Speaker’s Night

Nadin Dunnigan – Wedding Photographer

“I believe great photographs come from a good relationship with your photographer. Someone who helps you feel at ease, make you giggle, and most importantly make you look amazing and happy in your photographs”

26 January 2022

Competition: Nan Borthwick Salver

Competition: Peter Rourke Salver

Judged by Sarah Hill (p30)

Hand-in: Colour Rosebowl

02 February 2022

Members’ talks evening.

This is your chance to show us your photos! This evening we welcome Hillary Sillitto, Sandy Swanton, Graham Robb and Omar Shamma. Topics include gannets, sailing, Italy, football and London street photography. These evenings are always relaxed, entertaining and informative. Don’t miss this one!

09 February 2022

External Competition: SPF Portfolio

From the DVD produced by the SPF, we look at the high-scoring images as entered to last year’s Portfolio competition from clubs around Scotland

16 February 2022

Competition: Colour Rosebowl

Judged by Nicola Shepherd

23 February 2022

Members’ talks evening.

Here’s another chance for you to share your photos with us! This evening we look forward to hearing from Tom Ryan, Alastair MacIntosh, Martin Samson and John Boyd. Topics include, ‘The Story Behind One Picture’, ‘Ice and Fire’, ‘The Most Beautiful Cruise in the World’ and a visit to China. Intrigued? To find out more, come and join us!

02 March 2022

Speaker’s Night

Alison Taylor ARPS – “Not just the Lakes”

“I specialise in seascapes and coastal photography using different techniques to capture the many moods of the sea. However, I also have presentations based on my visits to the Lake District and Yorkshire”

Hand-in: Dall Cup

Hand-in: Simpson Cup

09 March 2022

Competition: Dall Cup; click for
Scoring Slip
List of Image Titles
– Online Voting Form – will be available on Zoom on 09 Mar 22

Competition: Simpson Cup; click for
Scoring Slip
List of Image Titles
– Online Voting Form – will be available on Zoom on 09 Mar 22

16 March 2022

Workshop. ‘How to get that great photo!’

This evening, we will have presentations from Alan Edwards, Sandy Swanton, Wol Gilbraith and Ian Mackay. They will cover a range of topics aimed at improving our photography. These will include looking at basic design principles and how these can be applied to your photography. We will discuss competitions, with an emphasis on external competitions. This will include photo selection and how each competition is judged. To conclude the evening, there will be a demonstration of how one raw file was converted into an award-winning image.This should set you up nicely for your summer photography!

23 March 2022

AGM for 2021-22

30 March 2022

End of season, Prizes, etc

Programme 2020-2021

If you’re new, details on how to join are on our Information page.

Further speakers and topics will be posted here as details become known.

All meetings this coming season will be held on Zoom – Wednesdays at 7.30pm, unless otherwise noted.

07 October 2020

AGM for 2019-20

Hand-in: Four-Way Competition

14 October 2020

President’s Night

PPS President Malcolm Lind’s will speak of how the images and rewritten tales from around Rattray have been inspired by one lesser known tiny glen, Glendams

Hand-in: Main Cup

21 October 2020

Members’ Talk – Mike Bell: Almeira

Mike will talk about the Almería region of Spain, and cover seascape and long exposure photography, including the use of tilt and shift lenses and graduated filters

28 October 2020

Members’ Talk – Tom Ryan: Photographing cities, at night, in the rain

04 November 2020

Competition: Main Cup

Judged by David Sadler

11 November 2020

Members’ Talk – Roben Antoniewcz: A selection of Roben’s favourite photos

Hand-in: PKM Trophy

18 November 2020

Members’ Talk – Wol Gilbraith: Finding Neowise

Stumbling around in the dark, with a mixed bag of images, personal stories, beginner’s techniques, tools for planning, and maybe even singalong favourites

25 November 2020

Members’ Talk – Graham Robb: Lockdown music videos: sacred and profane

“Right now there is almost no recognisable music industry anywhere in the world. These are my efforts to keep some kind of flame burning for the future.”

30 November 2020 (Monday)

Four-Way Competition

02 December 2020

Competition: PKM Trophy

Judged by Dougie Allan

09 December 2020

Members’ Talk – Alan Craig: Macro

Having started with an instamatic in the 1960s, and progressed through a Rollei B35, to an SLR, further upgrades enabled me to better photograph flowers and other details which the B35 couldn’t handle, and this allowed me to develop my interest in macro.

16 December 2020

Members’ Talk – Ian Mackay: Travel and landscape photography

“Breaking away from traditional wide-angle landscape photography, I will look briefly at colour space, colour grading, cropping and mini-panoramas, before looking further afield to Iceland, China, and beyond.”

23 December 2020

Christmas holidays

30 December 2020

Christmas holidays

Hand-in: Grant Cup

06 January 2021

Competition: Grant Cup; click for
Scoring Slip
List of Image Titles
Online Voting Form

Hand-in: Nan Borthwick / Peter Rourke Salvers

13 January 2021

Members’ Talk – Tim Haynes: Landscape photography, technique and thoughts

Members’ Talk – Graham Robb [to be confirmed]

20 January 2021

Members’ Talk – Stewart Riddick: Street photography

27 January 2021

Competition: Nan Borthwick Salver

Judged by Gill Hunt

Competition: Peter Rourke Salver

Judged by Gill Hunt

Hand-in: Colour Rosebowl

03 February 2021

Members’ Talk – Sandie Smith: Landscape, people and place – imagining an island
Selecting works for a photographic exhibition

10 February 2021

External Competition: SPF Portfolio

From the DVD produced by the SPF, we look at the high-scoring images as entered to last year’s Portfolio competition from clubs around Scotland

17 February 2021

Competition: Colour Rosebowl

Judged by Neil MacGregor

21 February 2021 (Sunday)

SPF Print Championship (TBC)

24 February 2021

Members’ Talk – David Stanghon: Lumix and Me

David will chat about his involvement with photography since the early 60’s to 2021. This briefly includes standard 8mm movie stuff, onwards. Also a short video about where he lives and immediate surroundings.

Members’ Talk – Tom Ryan: Images for PR

“In 2018 I worked on an EU project in the Georgian Institute for Standards and Metrology in Tbilisi. On my last visit they discovered I was a photographer and asked me to take pictures of their laboratories for PR purposes. What followed was a time-trip back to the days of the Soviet Union.”

03 March 2021

Members’ Talk – Malcolm Lind: Buzzart Dykes

A very short look at the making of a photographic essay concerning the archaeology and ecology of Buzzart Dykes

Members’ Talk – Annette Forsyth: Tryptych

Annette will show us how to create a triptych template in Photoshop, using images taken on her trip to Morocco in February 2020

Hand-in: Dall / Simpson Cups

10 March 2021

Competition: Dall / Simpson Cups

17 March 2021

Members’ Talk – Kate Slattery: Colour

Kate will talk about Josef Albers book – Interaction of Colour

Members’ Talk – Dave Moran: Alpaca – animal to fibre

Dave will share some of his AV slideshows

24 March 2021

AGM for 2020-21

31 March 2021

End of season, Prizes, etc

Programme 2019-2020

Invitation to Non-members

Hi, if you have an interest in photography, why don’t you come along to the first two evenings this season, with no commitment, and see whether the Society is an organisation that you might like to join. Make yourself known to one of the committee members and we will look after you. Also please note that we are offering tickets to non-members, for a small charge, for two of our evenings when we have two of the UK’s top photographers visiting us – Mark Hamblin and Alex Nail. See below for details – 30th October 2019 and 5th February 2020.


All meetings are at 7.30pm in the A K Bell Library, York Pl, Perth PH2 8EP.
The Soutar Lecture Theatre is the venue on all nights except those marked ‘Sandeman’ when we will meet in the Sandeman Room upstairs (same entrance) but may then split up into other areas of the Library First floor. See the ‘Finding us’ page for full venue information. Meetings conclude around 9.30 – 9.45pm

Oct 9 President’s Night and Welcome. Soutar Theatre (downstairs). President Malcolm Lind will introduce himself and will welcome you all to a new season at Perthshire Photographic Society. During the evening, committee members will also introduce themselves and will provide you with information about this season’s programme and competitions. Registration will take place during these first few meetings and membership cards will be issued. Please remember to bring a cheque book or cash to pay for your membership! Please see our Information Page

Oct 16  Workshop evening – Sandeman Room (upstairs) – Image critique. The main aim of this first workshop is for us all to meet each other and to make new members feel very welcome. We will split into 5 or 6 groups and will look at a number of images during the evening. Each table will have one of our more experienced members who will act as a coordinator. We would ask each of you to bring with you 3 images, either as prints or on a laptop/tablet. Groups will move around the tables during the evening and we will offer advice on what makes a good image. If you don’t wish to bring in any of your photos, that’s okay! We want you to enjoy the evening!

Oct 23 – Bernard Longley ARPS and Keith Fisher ARPS DPAGB. ‘How to Prepare an Audiovisual Presentation.’  Bernard and Keith, visiting us from Lancashire, are experts and judges in the field of audiovisual work and they will show us how to put together an effective audiovisual presentation. They visited Dundee PS five years ago and their presentation has encouraged members there to get involved in video production. During this tour of Scotland, Bernard and Keith will also be visiting Dundee PS and Milngavie & Bearsden Camera Club. So, if you wish to do well in our audiovisual showcase in March, you had better be here this evening!

Oct 30- Mark Hamblin. ‘Wild Scotland.’

We are really fortunate this evening to be able to welcome one of the UK’s foremost professional wildlife and landscape photographers, Mark Hamblin.

Mark is a director with ‘Scotland:The Big Picture’; he is an author and he is a regular contributor to many wildlife and photographic magazines. You can find out more about Mark here:

Mark’s presentation will contain photos and video from around Scotland and he will include some of his landscape photos along with his wildlife images. Mark lives within the Cairngorms National Park and offers guided photography tours. We have also invited him to include some information about ‘rewilding Scotland’, a topic that will be dsicussed at The Big Picture Conference in Stirling in September ( This promises to be an inspiring and informative evening that you won’t want to miss!

Since Mark is such a highly regarded speaker, we are offering a limited number of tickets to non-members, for a small charge, via Eventbrite. Now you can invite your friends and family to come along for the evening. PPS members DO NOT need a ticket! Here is the Eventbrite link where you can buy tickets for non-members:

• HAND IN for MAIN CUP (See details on Competitions Page)

Nov 6 – Faye and Trevor Yerbury. This evening we are delighted to welcome two photographers who are highly respected both in Scotland and internationally. Trevor Yerbury has received many accolades during his career as a portrait photographer and he has exhibited his work all over the world. He is passionate that his work is simple and elegant with a classic, sophisticated look. Faye Yerbury has received many awards for her portraiture, wedding and avant-garde work, and for her classical nudes. She has also held exhibitions in many parts of the world. You can find out more about Faye and Trevor here: • HAND IN for FOUR-WAY BATTLE (See details on competitions page)

Nov 13  Workshop evening – Sandeman. Portraits/Still Lifes. One of the main aims of this evening is to allow members to work together and to give you the chance to get to know each other. If you have ever wondered how to make your portraits or still lifes stand out, you should not only rely on good technique, but you should always aim to be creative as well. This workshop is designed to allow your imagination to take flight and to allow you to create something quite memorable on the night! The format for this evening is completely different to that of our previous portrait/still life workshops. You will work in small groups and will be presented with a challenge! Some props will be available. You may wish to bring your own. The work that you produce will be presented at the end of the evening. The only thing that you need to bring with you is a phone camera or a small compact camera. And your imagination!

Nov 20  Main Cup Competition – 3 digital files. Your choice of subject. (See Competitions Page)
• HAND IN for PKM TROPHY  (See details on Competitions Page)

Nov 27 Four Way Battle Competition between Perth, Dundee, St Andrews and Glenrothes, hosted by Perth

Dec 4  Workshop evening – Sandeman. Practical Skills – Malcolm Lind will lead a station on multiple exposures and blending images, Mike Bell, Wol Gibraith and Graham Robb will run Lightroom stations (Graham’s station will be on monochrome) and Jimmy Herd and Davie Moran will demonstrate mount cutting for printed images. Bring images with you on USB sticks or SD cards. More details on our Facebook page.

Dec 11  PKM Competition – Up to 3 monochrome prints. Your choice of subject. (For definition of ‘monochrome’ see Competitions Page)
• HAND IN for GRANT CUP  (See details on Competitions Page)


Jan 8  Grant Cup Competition – Up to 3 digital filesThe theme for this year is “Isolation”. (See details on Competitions Page). We will be judging this competition ourselves and so you might find it useful to have a pen and paper with you to make notes as we show the images.
• HAND IN for NAN BORTHWICK SALVER and PETER ROURKE SALVER  (See details on Competitions Page)

Jan 15  Members’ Night – Sandeman.  This evening we are giving you the chance to show us some of your photos! It’s meant to be a relaxed and enjoyable evening, with no formal talk or script required. Digital images will be shown on a large monitor and you are also welcome to bring along prints. These have been really successful evenings during the past two years! If you would like to be involved, please contact the programme secretary David Moran ( There is also a second Members’ Night on 11th March. This evening we are pleased to welcome Jimmy Herd who will show us some slides (remember those!), Sandie Smith talking about travel photography and Graham Robb showing us his expertise at taking photos at football matches. Malcolm Lind will round off the evening by discussing entries for the Birnam exhibition which takes place during September 2020 and which has the theme ‘Unexpected’. This promises to be a really interesting evening!

Jan 22 – Niall Benvie. ‘Greater Than 2 Seconds.’ Niall Benvie has worked in environmental communications for many years as a photographer, designer and writer. He has published 6 books and is a columnist for ‘Outdoor Photography’ magazine. He believes that the biggest challenge that photographers face today is retaining the audience’s attention for more than a couple of seconds. Even extraordinary images of, for example, diving kingfishers or shows of northern lights, barely earn a second glance. Niall’s presentation looks at some of the innovative techniques that he uses to catch the viewer’s eye and to hold their attention. This presentation should appeal to photographers of all genres who are looking to improve their photography. You can see some of Niall’s work here:

• HAND IN for COLOUR ROSE BOWL  (See details on Competitions Page)

Jan 29 Nan Borthwick and Peter Rourke Competitions. These are print competitions. (See details on Competitions Page)

Feb 5Alex Nail. Landscape photographer. ‘Mountain Adventures.’

We are delighted to welcome Alex Nail this evening. Alex is a full-time landscape photographer based in Bristol. He came to international attention in 2017 when he won the Mountain Category of the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards with a beautiful photo of Uxatindar in Iceland. A couple of weeks later, he was announced as the overall runner-up in the Scottish Landscape Photographer of the Year.

This evening Alex will discuss his approach to landscape photography in wilderness and mountain areas. There will be ‘tales from the trail’ from Greenland, the Drakensberg, Scotland and Iceland, discussing sublime and disastrous experiences! He is an expert at shooting time-lapse films and he is going to give us some insight into some of the techniques that he uses for this.

Because Alex is such a popular photographer, we will be offering a limited number of tickets to non-members, for a small charge, via Eventbrite. PPS members DO NOT need a ticket! Here is the Eventbrite link where you can buy tickets for non-members: You can read more about Alex, and watch his ITN interview, here:

Feb 12 Colour Rosebowl Competition (Sandeman) – Up to 3 colour prints. Your choice of subject. (See details on Competitions Page)

Feb 19Stan Farrow.  ‘Ebay, Cardboard and Milk Bottles – the Making of an Exhibition.’ This is an intriguing title for what promises to be an intriguing evening! Many of you will have met Stan Farrow before, either when he last visited us in 2014 or at photo societies in Dundee or St Andrews. He is hosting an exhibition of his work at the Discovery Point Café Gallery in Dundee from 13th July until 17th October 2019. Stan is a creative digital photographer and he often uses software to create digital art with layers of texture. As his title suggests, this talk will be about how he prepared for his latest exhibition. He will be showing us lots of prints from the exhibition and may also use some projected images. Here is more of Stan’s work:

Feb 26  Scottish Photographic Federation Portfolio 2019 evening. The SPF Annual Portfolios is a competition featuring Monochrome Prints, Colour Prints and Digital Images. The competition is open to clubs and individuals and takes place in May each year. The event is judged by three judges and the highest scoring entries form the ‘Annual Portfolio of Accepted Prints and Projected Images’ for the year. Portfolio shows of the accepted entries are then made up on a disc for clubs to show on a club night. So, this evening we will be showing you those projected images and prints that came top in the competition in 2019. Along with the images you will see the scores that they were awarded, the title of the photo, the name of the photographer and the name of the club that they represented. Once again, David Hay has very kindly agreed to host this evening. You won’t want to miss his authoritative, witty and entertaining commentary that accompanies the images!

• HAND IN for DALL CUP (SELFIE COMPETITION)  (See details on Competitions Page) (or email in by Feb 29th)

• HAND IN for SIMPSON CUP (AUDIOVISUAL COMPETITION) (See details on Competitions Page) (or email in by Feb 29th)

Mar 4 Selfie Competition (Dall Cup) and Audiovisual Showcase. (description based on last year – subject to change) This evening will be split into two different activities.
We start with a Selfie Competition. A ‘selfie’ is a picture of yourself taken by yourself using a handheld camera/phone camera. Selfie sticks are allowed, but tripods and remote controls are not allowed. You can enter up to 3 photos, for digital projection, but please rate them in order of importance e.g. A, B, C etc, in case we have to restrict the number of photos that we show. More information is available here: Competitions Page. The audience will be the judges and will vote for 1st, 2nd, 3rd places, Highly Commended and Commended. The Dall Cup will be awarded to the winner of this competition.
The second part of the evening will be an Audiovisual Competition. You are invited to submit an audiovisual presentation of up to 5 minutes duration. Full details of the rules are on the internal competitions page and you must abide by these rules. The Simpson Cup will be awarded to the winner of this competition .

Mar 11  Members’ Night – Sandeman.  This is your chance to show us some of your photos! It’s meant to be a relaxed and enjoyable evening in the Sandeman Room, with no formal talk or script required. Digital images will be shown on a large monitor and you are also welcome to bring along prints. This evening we welcome David Stanghon who will show us some of his work, including macro photography, and Kate Slattery, who will show us some of her photos. Duncan McNab will demonstrate how he puts together his audiovisual presentations and Raymond Leinster will talk about his two main photographic interests, wildlife photography and cycling event photography. Once again, this promises to be a very entertaining evening! The programme for the evening has been coordinated by programme secretary David Moran (

Mar 18 AGM / Member talk. POSTPONED. In an effort to combat coronavirus, the AGM is postponed until further notice. The first part of the evening will be devoted to our Annual General Meeting. There should be time later for a member presentation, or an auction of equipment, if required.

Mar 25  End of Season Dinner with prize-giving. All PPS members and partners are welcome. POSTPONED. In an effort to combat coronavirus, this dinner is postponed until further notice.

Programme 2018-2019

All meetings are at 7.30pm in the A K Bell Library, York Pl, Perth PH2 8EP.
The Soutar Lecture Theatre is the venue on all nights except those marked ‘Sandeman’ when we will meet in the Sandeman Room upstairs (same entrance) but may then split up into other areas of the Library First floor. See the ‘Finding us’ page for full venue information. Meetings conclude around 9.30 – 9.45pm

Oct 10  President’s Night and Welcome. Soutar Theatre (downstairs). President Mike Bell will welcome you all to a new season at Perthshire Photographic Society. He will introduce himself, tell you a bit about the Society and will talk about his photographic interests. During the evening, various committee members will give you an overview of this year’s programme. They will cover several topics, including visiting speakers, workshops and competitions. Registration will also take place during these first few meetings and membership cards will be issued. Please bring a cheque or some cash with you! (Membership costs £45 for adults, and £25 if aged 18-25. The cost is £10 for students in full time education. Please see our Information Page

Oct 17  Workshop evening – Sandeman Room (upstairs). Photo Clinic. Malcolm Lind will coordinate the evening. We will divide into small groups and discuss a number of prints (provided by committee members), with particular emphasis on composition. The aim of the evening is to give us all a chance to meet each other and to learn about photography by discussing the merits (or otherwise!) of the photos provided. This is intended to be a relaxed and fun evening!

Oct 24 – Jo Cound. ‘Tenacious Trees and Silver Alchemy.’ We are delighted to welcome local artist Jo Cound this evening. Jo lives in Crieff and specialises in photographs of the natural world, in particular, photographs of flowers, trees, moss, fungi and insects. Her images are captured on film and digitally. Many of her images are hand printed in her darkroom. Jo’s talk this evening celebrates the magic of the silver print and the process involved in producing images traditionally (referred to as ‘analogue’ images these days.) Jo will show us the large format and pinhole cameras used to produce her images, and will tell us how they work. She will also talk about film and processing, and how she achieves the print quality that she desires. For Jo, the print is paramount, and she hopes to show us its versatility and magic. She will be bringing with her some hand printed images that she printed in her own darkroom. This promises to be a very entertaining evening! Jo has exhibited at many local exhibitions and craft fairs, and also in London, Edinburgh and at Kew Gardens. You can see some of her images here:

Oct 31 – Dave Hunt. ‘Mobile Device Photography and Alternative Printing Methods.’ It’s a pleasure to welcome another local artist this week, Dave Hunt. Dave works from his studio near Killin and is a fine art photographer. He employs various techniques to produce fine art prints with subjects ranging from landscapes to portraiture and figures. This evening, Dave will use the first part of his presentation to share with us his methods for capture and editing using mobile phones and tablet devices. He will show us how he uses Snapseed and Procreate software to create images for high-end printing, and how this is integrated into a workflow incorporating Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. After the break, Dave will present an overview of his current work that he has prepared for exhibitions and for sale. He uses Victorian and vintage processes, including the Wet Plate Collodion capture, and alternative printing methods such as Cyanotype, Vandyke Brown and Platinum/Palladium. What a fascinating range of subjects! If you use a mobile phone or tablet for photography, you will find this presentation very interesting and useful! You can read more about Dave here:
• HAND IN for MAIN CUP (See details on Competitions Page)

Nov 7 – Helen Sloan. ‘Behind the Scenes on the Set of Game of Thrones.’ We are really excited to have Helen Sloan, principal stills photographer for the TV series Game of Thrones as our guest this eveningDuring her presentation, she will lift the lid on what it’s like to photograph one of the biggest TV productions in the world. Expect observations and anecdotes about her place in the crew, plus insight and advice. Helen will be talking about her job, the kit and techniques that she uses, and will share an exclusive slide show with us. That will include some fascinating behind the scenes photos. She has been involved with Game of Thrones since the first day of filming on the pilot episode. This will be a well attended evening, so make sure you arrive early if you want a front row seat! This is a ticketed event to allow non PPS members to attend (for a small charge of £5). There will be no charge for PPS members but they must get their free ticket in advance to guarantee their seat. One ticket will be given to you when you join or renew. Non-member tickets are also available on Eventbrite at (please note there is a booking fee).  If you’re a fan of Game of Thrones, here’s one event that you can’t afford to miss! Here’s a recent blog giving lots more information about Helen:

Nov 14  Workshop evening – Sandeman. Print workshop. The aim of this workshop is to show you how some committee members go about their printing and to give you a chance to learn how to submit photos for our print competitions. The workshop will cover the following: Mike Bell will look at some aspects of processing and printing from Lightroom; Ian Mackay will start the evening by talking about colour space, calibration, the use of Lightroom and Photoshop, soft proofing, and printing in PhotoShop. However, please note that it is the final product i.e. the print, that is important, not what software is used. We hope that you will learn a lot about printing during the evening, regardless of how experienced you are. You may find it useful to have a pen and notepaper if you wish to note down some of the recommended settings and workflow sequences used during this workshop but we are looking at the possibility of making this information available by other means.

Nov 21  Main Cup Competition – 3 digital files. Your choice of subject. (See Competitions Page)
• HAND IN for PKM TROPHY  (See details on Competitions Page)

Nov 28 – Ian Cameron. Landscape Photographer. ‘Transient Light.’ (Soutar Theatre, Perth) Making a welcome return to the Society this evening, is landscape photographer Ian Cameron. Ian is based up north, in Forres, Moray, and he believes that compositiontiming and light are what make a good landscape photo. He runs landscape photography workshops in Norway, and in Central and Northern Scotland. This evening, the overall theme of Ian’s talk is the preparation and planning required for successful landscape photography. His presentation will be interspersed with short videos of the landscapes that he visits and will include a variety of landscape related themes. He will bring copies of his book ‘Transient Light’ with him and these will be available for sale during the evening. You can see some of Ian’s photos here:

   •   Nov 28 – Four-Way Battle – (at St Andrews Photographic Society) A competition between Perth, Glenrothes, St Andrews and Dundee, held in St Andrews. Contact external competitions secretary Graham Robb for details.

Dec 5  Workshop evening – Sandeman. Portrait workshop. Bring your camera! This meeting is a workshop on the use of flash and studio lighting for taking photographic portraits. Mike Bell will start the evening by demonstrating how to use translucent or reflective umbrellas to turn flash units into studio lights triggered wirelessly by your camera. He will demonstrate tethered shooting using Lightroom so that you can see the results immediately. Roben Antoniewicz and Jimmy Herd will have stations with studio lighting set up in the main upstairs library area. At each station you will be shown how to use your camera to trigger the lights. It would help if you know how to set your camera to manual exposure, or bring your camera manual with you, so that you can get involved. Please feel free to move between the three stations that will be set up. Bring some props e.g. hats, costumes etc if you wish. Hopefully, several of you will volunteer to act as models!

Dec 12  PKM Competition – Up to 3 monochrome prints. Your choice of subject. (For definition of ‘monochrome’ see Competitions Page)
• HAND IN for GRANT CUP  (See details on Competitions Page)


Jan 9  Grant Cup Competition – Up to 3 digital files. Theme is ‘Simplicity’ this year. (See details on Competitions Page). We will be judging this competition ourselves and so you might find it useful to have a pen and paper with you to make notes as we show the images.
• HAND IN for NAN BORTHWICK SALVER and PETER ROURKE SALVER  (See details on Competitions Page)

Jan 16  Workshop evening – Sandeman. Member talk evening. Rather than have a workshop this evening, we are giving you the chance to show us some of your photos! This was a really successful evening last year and so we have decided to run two of them this year. We will be looking for 4 or 5 members to talk for 10 to 15 minutes each. The Sandeman Room provides a really informal setting for presentations. It’s meant to be an informal and enjoyable evening and no formal talk or script is required. Just put up some photos (preferably digital projected images, but prints are welcome if you prefer) and say as much, or as little, as you wish, about them. Carolyn Bell, Raymond Leinster, David Moran and Graham Robb will show us some of their photos before the tea break. After the break, Duncan McNab will give us a presentation about St Kilda, with an emphasis on photography, following his visit there during the summer. The programme for this evening is now complete. Please contact programme secretary Ian Mackay at for any further information.

Jan 23 – Des Ong. Wildlife Photographer. ‘Captivating Nature – Wildlife of Britain and Beyond.’ We are really fortunate to have world-class wildlife photographer Des Ong visiting us this evening. Des, who is based in England,  just happens to be in the Perth area running a workshop, and he has very kindly agreed to come and talk to us. Des carries out a lot of his photography in Indonesia, Madagascar, Uganda and Costa Rica. The result is that he captures beautiful photos of some unusual animals and birds and we very much look forward to seeing some of those. This evening, Des will showcase some of the projects that he typically tackles over a 12 months period, providing a glimpse into his life as a wildlife photographer. He will take us from the high mountains of Norway to the rainforests of tropical South-east Asia. He will share his ideas, approach and techniques with us. As well as still photos, Des will include short video clips to help bring the journeys to life. This is definitely an evening that you won’t want to miss! You can see some of his images here:

Jan 30 Nan Borthwick and Peter Rourke Competitions Judge: Jamie Grant. These are print competitions. (See details on Competitions Page)
• HAND IN for COLOUR ROSE BOWL  (See details on Competitions Page)

Feb 6 – Neil Barr. Landscape Photographer. ‘From There to Here.’ A number of us in the Society having been following Neil Barr on Facebook for some time. He has posted many beautiful photos of Scotland during the past couple of years. Quite incredibly, Neil only started taking photos 4 years ago, and now he is a professional photgrapher. This evening, he tells us how, and why, he turned to landscape photography. It’s a very interesting story and so we look forward to an entertaining evening. You can see some of Neil’s photos online:

Feb 8 (Friday) PSNS. Soutar Theatre. 7.30pm. –  PPS will be making a photographic presentation to PSNS to replace the cancelled Paul Gallagher talk. The idea is for us to showcase a range of photographic genres, primarily themed around Perthshire, but with some content from further afield. Full details have been sent to all members by email. The  evening will include the following photos/presentations: landscapeswild flowershistory of the old mills around Blairgowrie, urban photoswildlife photos and a presentation about St Kilda. There is no charge for attending this evening and you are all welcome!

Feb 13  Workshop evening – Sandeman. Member talk evening. This is the second of our member talk evenings. You are encouraged to participate! Once again, we will be looking for 4 or 5 members to talk for 10 to 15 minutes each. It is aimed at being a relaxed and informal evening, with no script or formal talk required. Tim Haynes has agreed to demonstrate how you can make a video using an iPad and Annette Forsyth will tell us about her visit to Nepal last year. After the tea break, Tom Ryan will show us some of his ‘puddle’ photos and urban night photos. The programme for this evening is now complete. Please contact programme secretary Ian Mackay at for any further information.

Feb 20 Colour Rosebowl Competition – Up to 3 colour prints. Your choice of subject. (See details on Competitions Page)

Feb 27  Scottish Photographic Federation Portfolio 2018 evening. The SPF Annual Portfolios is a competition featuring Monochrome Prints, Colour Prints and Digital Images. The competition is open to clubs and individuals and takes place in May each year. The event is judged by three judges and the highest scoring entries form the ‘Annual Portfolio of Accepted Prints and Projected Images’ for the year. Portfolio shows of the accepted entries are then made up on a disc for clubs to show on a club night. So, this evening we will be showing you those projected images and prints that came top in the competition in 2018. Along with the images you will see the scores that they were awarded, the title of the photo, the name of the photographer and the name of the club that they represented. The photos will be accompanied by an authoritative and entertaining commentary from David Hay. If you want to see some great photos, and if you are looking to improve your own photography, then you need to be here this evening!

Mar 6 – Al Buntin. ‘The End Result.’ Once again, it is a pleasure to welcome a local photographer this evening, Al Buntin. Al is a member of the Dundee Photographic Society and has visited us in Perth in previous years. Al worked as an artist in the UK and in the USA, mostly in the Greeting Card Industry. He has also had several childrens books published. Currently, he paints in acrylics and watercolour. His main photographic interest is in photographing people. He also explores digital imagery and manipulation, and this leads to some quite unique and unusual photos. This evening, Al will be using prints for his talk, rather than digital projected images, and he will be handing out his prints to audience members so that you can see them close up. You may want to sit in the front rows for a better view. The majority of prints will be of people and will be composite images manipulated in Photoshop. Look forward to being entertained! You can see some of Al’s photography here:

–  HAND IN For DALL CUP (SELFIE COMPETITION) (For rules, see details on page)

Mar 13  Workshop evening – Sandeman. Selfie Competition (Dall Cup) and Audiovisual Showcase. This evening will be split into two different activities. We start with a Selfie Competition! This is a new and light-hearted competition. A ‘selfie’ is a picture of yourself taken by yourself using a handheld camera/phone camera. Selfie sticks are allowed, but tripods and remote controls are not allowed. You can enter up to 3 photos, for digital projection, but please rate them in order of importance e.g. A, B, C etc, in case we have to restrict the number of photos that we show. More information is available here: Competitions Page. We hope to see some humorous and original selfies! The audience will be the judges and will vote for 1st, 2nd, 3rd places, Highly Commended and Commended. The Dall Cup will be awarded to the winner of this competiton. The second part of the evening will be an Audiovisual Showcase. We encourage you to make a video of up to a maximum of 6 minutes in length and to show it on the evening. The video can consist of still photos, video clips or a mixture of the two. Hopefully, it might tell a story and be accompanied by music and/or text. So far, 5 of us have volunteered to show AV presentations – Duncan, Tim, Wilma, Wol and Ian. For next season, we have booked Bernard Longley ARPS and Keith Fisher ARPS DPAGB to visit us in October 2019 to provide us with an evening on how to put together a successful AV presentation. They are recognised experts in this field.

Mar 20 AGM / Member talk. The first part of the evening will be devoted to our Annual General Meeting. After the break newly elected president Malcolm Lind will give an illustrated talk entitled “Wolf Tails – wolves in the landscape and history of Perthshire”.

Mar 27  End of Season Dinner with prize-giving. All PPS members and partners are welcome.

You can download a printable one page summary of the 2018-19 programme: PPS_Prog_2018_onepage

Click here for an archive of previous years’ programmes